Code of Conduct

If this code of conduct can be summarized in one sentence, it will be: Don’t be an asshole.

We believe that for us to have a healthy community, we need an environment where people are comfortable with sharing ideas, asking questions, and expressing themselves without being silenced, bullied, or shouted down.

We expect all community members, leaders, and guests to adhere to these rules.

Finally, this is a living document, we will continue to optimize it to fit the needs of our community.

Treat everyone with respect.

Assume this is a professional environment and act accordingly.

Disagreements & criticisms can happen. Be thoughtful and treat people in the same way you want to be treated.

Actively Participate

This is YOUR community. Ask questions; Respond to questions; Engage.

The quality of conversations we have on this platform will depend on you. We encourage you to drive the conversations.

Treat everyone with respect.

Assume this is a professional environment and act accordingly.

Disagreements & criticisms can happen. Be thoughtful and treat people in the same way you want to be treated.


Spam. You hate spam. I hate spam. We all hate spam. Avoid posting the same thing on more than one channel.

For clarity, messages or contents sent to any member unsolicited, irrelevant, promotional, or repetitive is SPAM and is greatly frowned at.


We know you are brilliant. However, content that is overly advertorial or excessively self-promotional is highly discouraged. Disclose conflicts of interest where necessary.

NSFW content

No, just don't. Assume your favourite aunty/uncle is here. Behave.

Talk to us

We are a group interested in accelerating design education. Please reach out to us if you have questions, want to collaborate or support our work, interested in a partnership or just want to say "Hi".

By your friends @